Reimagining Education book front cover

SEA Book Launch | Reimagining Education

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new book published by Manifesto Press and co-edited by Louise Regan (SEA Publications Officer) and Ian Duckett (SEA NEC Member).

Manifesto Press is a new venture that aims to publish working class history, socialist theory and the politics of class struggle. It is republican and anti-imperialist; secular and feminist; anti-fascist and anti-racist; committed to working class political power, popular sovereignty and progressive culture.

Reimagining Education front cover

Reimagining Education

edited by Louise Regan and Ian Duckett

The Socialist Educational Association takes a comprehensive look at the education system and drawing on the experience of a wide range of education professionals offers an opportunity to reclaim education and create a system that truly meets the needs of our children and young people.

RRP £4.95 plus £1.80

The book is now for sale. Buy your copy today from the publisher’s online bookshop.

An electronic copy is available to download in PDF form on the Publications section of our website, under “Special Publications”.

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